Sunday 1 July 2012

Execution is not the Solution

                         A person has been given Death sentence as he had murdered someone. We call that man as a murder. Then what in the world is the different between him and the us. If he doesn't have the right to kill others who gave the rights for us to kill that so called murder. Many of us want Ajmal Kasab to be executed, as he is one of the master mind of the 26/11 incident. This is the country where Mahatma Gandhiji has been lived. He showed us the way of non-violence. The ultimate aim of Kasab is to kill lives. We people want to kill Kasab, then what is the different between Kasab and us. 

                       What are we gonna do if the person who has been given death sentence is a innocent. What is the future of his family. He might be the victim of the situation.

                       Now the switch is in our hand. We have to decide whether it is right or wrong. Be a human. Give your voice and say no to DEATH PENALITY. Execution is not the solution.
                                                                                                                                              - Karthi

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