Sunday 15 July 2012

Women are also Humans

                    Last week a minor girl has been molested on the middle of the road by a gang of men. Who gave the rights for us to molest a women. We call our nation as mother India and we won't give equal rights to women. Women are also Humans. It doesn't mean that if you are a male you can do anything. We men are not directly jumped from the sky. Both men and women combined together to form the society. We are in India not in any country where women are used as slaves. If a man can go to party, pub and if he can drink then why shouldn't a women can do? When a women drinks alcohol our society says that it a demorale to our cultural heritage, actually its not. Molesting a women and harassing a women in public is a demorale to our Culture. One request for all the men, please change your cheap attitude. Stop violence against women.

                        This is the country which was ruled by many women rulers. We are the country where women are also serves in the army. If they can work in the army field then how come we call them as weaker sex? Single hand does not produce sound. Both the hands has to join together to make sound. 

                        Many social activists fights for Human Rights. But we should know that first we should give equal respect to women, without women there can't be any men and vice versa. Therefore there should be a mutual understanding between both the sexes. Please keep in mind there can be no Human rights without Women's Rights. Talking about the women's rights won't bring the change, everyone should come forward and work for women's rights. I stand for Women's Right what about you?

Sunday 8 July 2012

Cast out the Caste

                 Hey friends We Indians are always proud that we are the country which has UNITY IN DIVERSITY. But we are the country where the people of this nation has been partitioned as General caste, OBC, SC, ST and so on. Who are we to seperate people into different catagory? Did God told that there should be the caste and different in people? Never, in Bhagavat Gita Lord Krishna told that let it be human or dog or snail or worms, etc., we should look at everything as same. We should treat everyone equally. These inequality and these kind of non sense are all made by man as we humans born to destroy everything. 

                We have divided people according to their profession. The person who sits simply and who enjoys all the privileges as the upper class people and the person who cleans the roads, who builds the house for us to stay, who cleans our toilet are belong to Lower class people and we treat them as shit. We won't touch them, we won't allow them to enter temples and we don't eat with them as the touches the shit and cleans it and they are unhygienic and unclean. Let us first answer this, Is the person who cleans the shit is a unclean man or the person who shits on the streets and asks someone to clean it is unclean man?

                 And I want to ask my young friend one thing. We all say that we should eradicate the caste based reservation as the lower class people are benefited by this. First we should eradicate this thought from our mind. First we should respect other people. We should give all the basic needs to them. We should give all the education that we get. If everyone gets everything then only we should eradicate this reservation system. We don't have any problem in Reservation for women, but we all don't want the poor lower class people to get all the basics needs. This itself shows our disgusting thoughts and inequality. At last I ask you friends please first eradicate the Caste system and them thought about eradicating the Caste based Reservation system. Show Equality.

Monday 2 July 2012

Education for All

According to Swami Vivekananda "Education is the Manifestation, which will make a man Perfect". Let us first think, is all our kids are getting there basic education? We are the only country where we can see partiality in even education. The rich gets the better education and the poor gets a third grade education. Knowledge shouldn't be come with a price tag. Education is a Right for everyone. We are a country with the illiteracy rate of about 25%. About 15% of the students are going for the high schools and 12% of this 15% are getting graduated. Why this up and down in education.
May be this is the reason why our politicians are imperfect as education makes a man perfect. It is our duty to share what we know to others. Please all educated people in India come forward to give education to our kids. Don't push our mother India into the Darkness of illiteracy. Please don't sell education. Education is for all, Please keep this in your mind.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Execution is not the Solution

                         A person has been given Death sentence as he had murdered someone. We call that man as a murder. Then what in the world is the different between him and the us. If he doesn't have the right to kill others who gave the rights for us to kill that so called murder. Many of us want Ajmal Kasab to be executed, as he is one of the master mind of the 26/11 incident. This is the country where Mahatma Gandhiji has been lived. He showed us the way of non-violence. The ultimate aim of Kasab is to kill lives. We people want to kill Kasab, then what is the different between Kasab and us. 

                       What are we gonna do if the person who has been given death sentence is a innocent. What is the future of his family. He might be the victim of the situation.

                       Now the switch is in our hand. We have to decide whether it is right or wrong. Be a human. Give your voice and say no to DEATH PENALITY. Execution is not the solution.
                                                                                                                                              - Karthi

The Vidarbha sorrow

                      Vidarbha (Marathi: विदर्भ) is the eastern region of Maharastra state made up of Nagpur division and Amaravati Division. Its former name is Berar . It occupies 31.6% of total area and holds 21.3% of total population of Maharashtra.The region is famous for growing Oranges and Cotton.Throughout its history, Vidarbha has remained much calmer during the communal troubles than the rest of India; but it is plagued very much by Poverty and Malnutrition. It is less economically prosperous compared to the rest of Maharashtra.In recent times, there have been calls for a separate state of Vidarbha, due to the continuous neglect from the Government of Maharastra towards this region and the incompetent political leadership in Vidarbha, except for a few leaders. The living conditions of farmers in this region are poor compared to India as a whole. There have been more than 32,000 farmers' suicides in Maharashtra in a decade, of which 70% being in the 11 districts of Vidarbha region. Though rich in minerals, coal, forests and mountains, this region is always underdeveloped because of its continuous dominance by the political leadership from the other parts of the state, especially Western Maharastra. Though being culturally, politically and financially different from the rest of Maharashtra, the calls for a separate state come in picture only when the leaders from this region are sidelined by the other higher authorities in the govt. of Maharashtra.
                   Due to the absence of any responsible counseling either from the government or society there were many farmers who did not know how to survive in the changing economy. Such stresses pushed many into a corner where suicide became an option for them. This also lead the farmers and others in this region to make a call for a separate Vidarbha state. When asked about the matter to the Government officials they replied that  they have sent Psycologists to counsel the people. Does the farmers needs a counseling? They needs attention from the government officials. The basics needs of every citizen of this country should be fulfilled. Please, it's our duty to help our own brothers. Let us raise our VOICE for the poor Citizens.


           Our country INDIA is the 7th largest country in the world. We are the nation with about 60% of youths. We are the world's 2nd highly populated nation. We are the country with a huge natural resources. According to the website, we are the 4th largest economy of the world, but still we have seen incidences like what happened in Vidharbha, farmers suicide due to starvation. According to statistics 58% of our country's economy is by Agriculture, but there is no food for our own brothers. Why should we have to export food products when we don't have food. What are we gonna do with money without food. We are proud when people says that Indian brains are the most precious in the world, but we don't use our brains for our country and if anyone asks why are you going out we'll say that the government is not encouraging us. It's not that the government is not encouraging us, we are not willing to work for our country.
         Another problem that our country faces is corruption, who is responsible for it, is it the politicians? No we are responsible for it. We people know that these people are corrupted and they all want to rule the nation to earn, but not to serve the country. But still we still elect them. We all say that someone should come forward to serve this nation. Why that someone should be us. If someone calls us we are not willing to come forward, after all we are the Government. RAISE YOUR HANDS with me if you really want to serve this nation. Let all unite together and work for our Country. ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE :)